Peril of Riches Part 2

Part 7b

Then Peter said,

‘We have left everything to follow you, what is our reward?’

Then Jesus said to him,

“Listen carefully to this truth, When I come in my glory and sit on my throne, you will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Everyone who has left houses or children or lands for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will receive his reward in the world to come.

Many of the last will be first and the first will be last. For the kingdom of heaven is like a man managing his house, who goes out early in the morning to hire laborers.

And he agrees to pay these laborers fifty dollars a day and sends them into his vineyards to work.

Later that day he sees men standing around in the marketplace with nothing to do. And he says to them, go into my vineyard and work and I will pay you a fair wage.

After this, even later in the day, he went and found some other men who had nothing to do, and he told them to go into his vineyard and work.

At the end of the day, he paid all the workers the same amount, fifty dollars.

But those who had been working all day complained bitterly, saying,

‘These men who only worked in the vineyard for one hour are receiving the same wages as those of us who worked all day under the hot sun.’

The man replied and said,

‘Friend, I have not done anything wrong. Didn’t I give you what I agreed to pay you? Take what is yours and go your way and do not be angry with me.’

‘It is my will to give to the last, just like I have given to you. Are you going to be jealous because I am good?’

“The last will be first and the first will be last.”