The Second Coming of Christ Part 2

Part 3b

“It will be like this when the Son of man comes.

Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other will be left behind.

Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and the other will be left.

Watch with anticipation, because you do not know the day your Lord is going to come.

If the head of the house knew when the thief was going to arrive, he would have been prepared for his coming and prevented his house from being broken into. Be ready, for his coming will be unexpected.

Beware that you don’t let your hearts become filled with the concerns and cares of this world, or become careless in how you live your life. The day will come like a net enclosing a flock of birds, and it will come on everyone.

Blessed is the wise and faithful servant whom his Lord will find doing his business when he comes.

An evil servant says in his heart,

‘My Lord is going to be late.’

And he begins to misuse his position and mistreat those under him and lives an evil life full of self-indulgence.

When the master does come, that servant will have his position and authority given to someone else. And he will go where all the hypocrites go, where there will be gnashing of teeth and weeping without end.

Watch and pray so that you might escape all these things and stand before the Son of Man. Only the godly are able to stand in his presence.Watch and pray for you do not know when the Lord is going to come.”